By Wednesday, March 28, post a paragraph describing the topic of your research project for ENG 105. The paragraph doesn't have to be anything fancy. Chose a topic and try to limit it to something about which you can write 1,500 - 2,000 words. Be as specific as you can, but note that at this stage, you can't be very specific.
Hi All,
ReplyDeleteRemember that we did look at 2 broad topics together: 1 - Global warming and Automobiles, 2 - BP oil spill and Offshore drilling. If either of these or of interest, you could narrow them down to a more specific topic that you could research and write about.
I am going to write my research project on acid rain. Wikipedia describes acid rain as "a rain or any other form of precipitation that is unusually acidic, meaning that it possesses elevated levels of hydrogen ions (low pH). It can have harmful effects on plants, aquatic animals, and infrastructure". The website also explains that it is caused by emissions of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides that react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids. In my research paper I will discuss the severe impact acid rain has not the global community. I will focus on economic aspects as well as physical aspects of this large problem. I will also research how to prevent acid rain and what steps humans can take across the globe.
ReplyDeleteI am planning to write about cyber bullying as my overarching topic. Cyber bullying is a controversial topic and to narrow it down, I plan to write about cyber bullying and what schools should do in order to combat cyber bullying that occurs in and outside of school grounds. In my paper I plan to discuss the difficulties and nuances needed to be able to help those being bullied without overstepping school boundaries. Because a student has more freedoms at home especially with respect to the 1st amendment rights it is difficult for a school to step in but often necessary because cyber bullying comes from the school situation and as I’ve seen in my preliminary research cyber bullying is often accompanied by face-to-face bullying while at school. In my essay I will define and describe cyber bullying based on my sources, specifically how the authors themselves defined cyber bullying. My basic intention is to research how schools currently and should deal with cyber bullying. And I might possibly look into different countries policies since in my database research some articles discussing cyber bullying in Australia and the United Kingdom came up and they look like reliable sources.
ReplyDeleteMy topic is thalidomide babies. Thalidomide is a sedative drug that was introduced in the late 1950’s to treat morning sickness, and consequently, thousand of women took the drug to relieve their symptoms. The creators of the drug did not know that it could cross the placental barrier and cause harm to the fetus. The United States never officially licensed the drug so birth defects in the US were a result of clinical trials or obtaining the drug from another country. In the late 1950’s and early 1960’s more then 10,000 children in 46 countries were born with deformities and birth defects such as phocomelia (abnormalities to the face, limbs, ears, nose).
ReplyDeleteI chose to write about Three Mile Island. Three Mile Island is the name for a nuclear weapon incident that took place in Pennsylvania. The result of the incident was the release of radioactive gases and iodine into the environment. It ended up being a worker mistake because the workers weren't properly trained and misdiagnosed the problem.
ReplyDeleteMy topic will be on piracy and counterfeit goods. Piracy and counterfeit goods are a multi-billion dollar a year black-market industry that harms companies that spend billions to produce and sell these goods. While this is great for the people that buy that counterfeits, this is harming the industry and as a result they are less creative and must spend more money to produce new goods that cannot be faked.
ReplyDeleteIn my paragraph I will write about the health hazards of pitching in baseball. I have always been fascinated with the dangerous art of pitching and have always wondered why so many professional baseball players get hurt year after year because they pitch. For over a century baseball has been a staple of American life and very little has changed. In my essay I hope to cover a few things, like the mechanics of pitching, the evolution of Tommy John surgery, and the reasons why so many baseball pitchers get injured year after year.
ReplyDeleteI plan to write about terrorism via the internet for my research paper. The internet is allowing terrorism to grow and will make it harder to fight for an end to terrorism. Between 1998 and today , the number of websites operated by terrorist organizations has grown from 12 to 4,800. Networking between terrorists has gone to a whole new level due to the internet. The internet can be used to communicate with each other, spread propaganda, raise funds, and recruit.
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ReplyDeleteI would like to write my paper on the media's role in the Love Canal scandal. Most people did not know how serious of a problem the pollution of the Love Canal was until reporter Michael Brown investigated potential health concerns at the site. The media raised awareness of the problem to the point where the government began giving federal aid to help clean up and restore the area. I will also have to argue against the opposing point of view- that the media hype caused fear and paranoia, thus making residents get sick from stress.
ReplyDeleteI would like to write my research paper on Global warming as a whole. Instead of breaking down one aspect of global warming and only going into detail with one variable. I plan to evaluate what affect humans have had in what is said to be global warming. I am intrigued to see what information I can dig up with a little research and time into this topic, and plan to show the actual facts and not just the myths our society has created today.
ReplyDeleteI will be writing my paper on nuclear plant accidents. Im still unsure of how to narrow the topic completely down but plan on writing about the effects from the accidents. This will include the Chernobyl plant accident as the specific example. I will try to write about the economic and social events that followed the accident specifically to Chernobyl and as a whole the effects from nuclear accidents. I chose this topic due to its severity, it is one of the most crippling technological accidents to happen.
ReplyDeleteI will be writing my paper on internet piracy, I will mainly be focusing on music piracy, and other forms of illegal file sharing. I will be writing about the millions of dollars lost to artists, and companies, because of this illegal underground market. I chose this topic to try to learn about the damage that I, and my peers have been causing because of our unwillingness to pay.
ReplyDeleteI will be writing my paper on online schooling. The focus will be on the comparison of online schooling to conventional schooling, particularly its effectiveness. In a quick Google search of the topic, I read that online schools initially were reported as having students that “performed better” than students in a typical school. I could possibly address online schooling on a college level, a K-12 level, or all levels. Obviously, there are flaws in both systems, and I believe a comparison of the two will reveal improvements that can be made the educational system as a whole.
ReplyDeleteI will be writing about an Oil Spill I witnessed in Pakistan. This took place in August of 2003 and I remember all the problems it had caused. I feel its a good topic for me because not only will I be able to do a lot of research but I can give it a personal touch as well; school was shut for a week because of the smell in the city. I even had the chance to see the ship months after the disaster as I passed it by while I was boating.
ReplyDeleteI chose to write about the crisis about the pollution in orbit around the planet. A lot of debris has been put in space for over a half a century, but is now growing to be an international concern. Space debris has disrupted many experiments in space, has fell down into earth,and complicates future events such as private space travel.
ReplyDeleteI am planning to write on the topic of music piracy, specifically the history of music piracy, it's economic effects, and the preventative measures against it. This is a controversial issue because much of the population does not see a problem with pirating music. However, the musicians that make the money to live off of selling music may see it as a problem. Pirating music brings social and ethical issues to life. It seems like an interesting topic.