Friday, February 17, 2012

Fast Food

By Tuesday 2.22.2012, blog a set of discussion notes for the essays on 153 - 161 of TSIS. Please don't think in terms of paragraphs here. A list of points that the essays cover and the points you wish to discuss or want to make will be sufficient. Frankly, I'm hoping that forcing you to brainstorm a few points will make for better and more universal class discussion. On Wednesday 2.23.2012, I expect everyone will have something to say about the issues raised in the essays.

Your next assignment will be a three-page research exercise on the fast-food issue using all the essays in the TSIS unit (pp. 151 - 210). You can help yourself and others by helping to define the issues on Wednesday.


  1. -Kid’s tried to sue McDonald’s for making them fat, a very humorous idea because people have the choice to eat McDonald’s or not.
    - Before 1994 about 5 percent of kids had Type 2 diabetes. Today about 30 percent of kids have Type 2 diabetes
    - In 1969 diabetes accounted for about $2.6 billion in health care cost. Today about $100 billion a year is focused on diabetes prevention.
    - President Bush set aside about $200 million in his budget to fight obesity.
    - Joe Lieberman and Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown have called for a “fat tax” on high-calorie foods.
    - The article writes how we should allow insurance companies to reward healthy lifestyles and to penalize poor ones.
    - Bottom line: Obesity is a widespread problem in the United States and we need to find a way to fight it. One of the biggest perpetrators is fast food and we need to find a way to not eliminate fast food chains, but to make healthy foods more cost-effective

  2. -Percent of childhood diabetes raised from 5% in 1994 to 30% today
    -Lack of warning labels, coverage under the FDA, and calorie information
    -Argues that healthy alternatives aren’t actually healthy because of misleading serving sizes and confusing calorie listings. Such as a 2.5 serving dressing packet
    -The healthy food example includes a super-sized Coke. That is a bad example of trying to have a healthy alternative.
    -New government plans would remove “any financial incentive” to be healthy: some people have to pay for others’ medicine.
    -Too much focus on the financial aspects (ignoring the addictive part of fast food, and the fact that some people try to stop eating it).
    -Obesity is a private problem. However, it should be a public concern to advertise information about food and fighting obesity.
    -Occasionally implies that money is above physical well-being. Not seeing a doctor can sometimes lead to more, and worse, problems.

  3. -Claims a reason people continue to eat fast food is because the fast food companies don't put warning labels on their packages but I feel like it is universally known that fast food is bad for ones health.
    -Making obesity caused health issues a private instead of public payment with the thought that if people have to pay for their own medical care they will take better care of themselves.
    -Type 2 diabetes increasing from 5% to 30% clearly indicates that there is a problem. Who knows what that percentage will be even 10 years from now.
    -States that the only possible options for an affordable meal are McDonalds, Taco Bell, KFC, and Pizza Hut

  4. -Public health/worrying more about everyone else's health instead of our own
    -Hard to understand food labels
    -Accountability/ insurance companies rewarding healthy lifestyles and penalizing poor lifestyles
    -Lack of alternative food choices compared to fast food chains

  5. 1st essay
    - No good for you but cheap food for teens to access easily
    - Before 1994 only 5% of childhood diabetes cases were type 2
    - Today 30% of childhood diabetes cases are type 2
    - Little information about food that we are eating, and if there is it usually confusing
    2nd essay
    - The government needs to stop putting effort into preventing obesity and instead encourage people to take responsibility for what they eat
    - Doesn’t want private companies have to bother with government regulation such as a so-called “fat tax” and menu labeling with calorie counts
    - Socialized health care is bad according to the author and allows people to eat junk food since they won’t be paying for cholesterol lowering medicine
    - The author believes that personal responsibility and less socialized health care will force people to look at what they are eating since in the end they know it will personally cost them money

  6. -Nutrition information needs to be available on fast food items
    -There needs to be more information available
    -The government should not be responsible for what you eat; people need to be held responsible for their actions
    -Bad idea for states to prevent private health insurance companies from charging obese clients higher premiums
    -If the government pays for your medication then there is less of an incentive to lose weight
    -The public shouldn’t have to pay for other people’s choices; insurance companies should be allowed to reward healthy lifestyles
    -Putting money towards retirement accounts if you don’t need it for health care is a good incentive

  7. -Issue was raised about someone has to pay; should the rich pay for healthcare or higher calorie food taxed?
    -Porsche smile… but eating is an addiction, should FA meetings be promoted at McDonalds like casinos promote gambling addiction
    -David claims he had to resort to fast food before the Navy, which made him skinny because of exercise.
    -Zinczenro’s claim about salad being 1,000 calories, shouldn’t they have another menu option then?
    -Doctor’s don’t stress being skinny because, after all, doctors gets the $100 billion at The Center for Disease Control and Prevention

  8. -Fast food is cheap, but not good for you
    -nutrition information needs to be seen for fast food items
    -lack of healthy alternative
    -government should stop focusing on obesity and hold Americans responsible
    - people won't try to be healthier if the government isn't doing anything either
    -diabetes is increasing due to poor food intake
    -not seeing a doctor will increase chances of being over weight

  9. -Kid's suing mcdonalds for making them fat is laughable (similar to suing porsche for getting speeding tickets).
    -before 1994, type 2 diabetes was caused by a genetic disorder with around 5% being obesity related. now it is about 30%.
    -the author claims there is a lack of alternatives to fast food, however this is laughable. go to a grocery store.
    -possibly cover fast food with an attorney generals warning, i know smoking is bad, but i still do it.
    -mcdonalds and burger king spend 1 billion on advertising every year - what the hell.

  10. We have to keep in mind to not completely write off the problems that fast food patrons experience
    Their problems might root from emotional problems
    Diabetes has risen drastically (5% up to 30%)
    It used to be considered a genetic disorder, it has now almost become the norm
    Money that has to be spent on diabetes prevention/helping programs (100 billion a year now) can be spent more wisely on other problems
    It is much harder to find healthy food
    It is both time and monetarily more wise to just buy fast food
    To me, I see that the government is trying to make more money by instating the ‘fat tax’
    Instead of intervening on their own (the government), they should instead try to make the American people take care of their own lives
    We are becoming more responsible for others health, instead of our own
    There are really no major incentives to live a healthy lifestyle
    We need to make the health care system more accountable; it has become to easy for people to work around the system for their own gain
    To solve the weight problem, we need to make individuals responsible for their self and rely less on government funded agencies

  11. -More access to food labels, and easier to interpret food labels
    -People are choosing their own health over money
    -there’s poor access to food that youth can afford
    -people need to take personal responsibility
    -Fast food is really appealing because of its cheapness and easy access
    -fast food is addictive

  12. - Manipulating Calorie count
    - IT's a matter of personal responsibility vs society's responsibility
    - if others pay for your mistakes there's no way people have a motive for being healthy.
    - increase in rate of diabetic kids.
    - Fast food ? blame on the consumer or the producer?

  13. -Importance of personal responsibility
    -Accessibility of healthy foods
    -Lack of information on processed foods
    -Proven health hazards, no warning labels
    -Government regulations leave no motivation for personal responsibility
