Monday, January 30, 2012

Wiki Topic

As soon as possible, post a paragraph describing your group's wiki topic and how you have divided up the labor. Be as concrete and specific as you can on both fronts. Make sure that you have identified your group in the paragraph. Post your paragraph by Tuesday at 5 PM.

Sometime Tuesday evening, look at the paragraphs submitted by the other members of your group. Have you reached a consensus about the topic and the division of labor?

Don't worry about grammar, usage, and punctuation. This assignment is not a PA. I've designed it to make sure that you're all on the same page as far as the wiki is concerned.


  1. My group, Katie, Ibrahim, Stephen, and I decided on the Stuy renovation project as our Wiki topic. I am in charge of gathering the research. I enjoy learning and reading about new things that are around me. Ibrahim is in charge of the construction project plans and the final editing.

  2. As Megan noted above, our group is going to be writing about Stuyvesant Hall. I will be gathering info from ResLife and will talk about its future plans. Megan will look at the history of the building, while Ibs is going to be editing and finding construction details. Lastly, Stephen is going to work on revisions and drafting. We all will probably have smaller roles to fill in as well.

  3. My group is group 4 with Samantha Weeks, and Joseph Waldron. We plan to write about an alumnus of OWU. We want to cover their story at OWU, what they went on to do after OWU, and their overall life. We may split up the writing by writing about different sections of the person’s life but nothing has been totally decided. We will likely all work on some research, and will all edit our papers at least a couple of times but who will then look over and revise/edit all the chunks of writing has not been decided yet. The most concrete agreement we have come to is that we are writing about an alumnus of OWU.

  4. My group (Sarah, Preston, Will and I) are writing our wiki page on Stuyvesant Hall. We are going to split the writing up between the four of us, and collectively edit the page. We are still working on how to split the writing up but plan on writing about the history, the ghost stories surrounding the building, the current renovations and one last topic.

  5. My group has decided to write our wiki on Stuyvesant Hall. The wiki will address the current construction being done as well as other aspects of the hall. For example, we will discuss the history of the hall, the layout, and perspectives of previous residents. Katie Reid will be communicating with ResLife to talk about future plans. Ibrahim Saeed will be research the details of the construction and editing. Megan Tossey will be focusing on the history of Stuyvesant. Then, I will be talking with past residents of the hall and doing some revisions. Revision and drafting will be handled cooperatively by the whole group

  6. My group (me katie will and preston) will be writing about stuyvesant hall. I will write about the history of the hall, Katie is going to write about the ghost stories, Will is going to write about the renovation and Preston will write about a topic that we haven't decided on yet.

  7. My Wiki group and I have chosen Stuyvesant Hall as the topic for our Wiki project. The main focus will be on the transition it is currently going through, and to get our message across we will have to touch on certain aspects of the buildings such as what it was, what it is going through and what it is going to become. Our group consists of four students, me, Katie (Reid), Meghan, and Stephen. Meghan plans on taking care of the history of Stuy. I will take care of the construction project and finally Katie will be responsible for what Stuyvesant hall is turning into. Stephen will be a sort of modulator, which will help connect our individual work and fill the lose gaps and transitions, revisions. I will do the final edit.

  8. Our Wiki group is planning on incorporating different aspects of OWU into our Wiki to show its strengths. We are dividing the project into four categories: Academics, Extracurriculars, Student Life, and Delaware, Ohio. This way each member will be responsible for his/her own topic and will not have to wait for other members to complete their own sections before writing his/her own. We are still trying to discuss how to go about presenting this topic.

  9. Our Wiki group (Gabrielle, Kevin and Trevor included) will try to create a recruitment catalog for OWU. The Wiki will be divided into four groups: Academics, Extracurriculars, Student Life and Delaware, Ohio. Every member will be responsible for an individual topic and after a couple of weeks we will be able to group edit the individual essays.

  10. The topic of our wiki group will be on an alumni of this college. Rachel, Sam and I plan to write a summary on the graduate, who gives OWU its good name.We dont need to worry about running out of things to say about this person because there is only three of us in group 4. How we will divide the work on the subject will be known soon enough, but for right now, we are researching who the candidate should be for the bio.

  11. Our group is going to split aspects of OWU into four categories with each person being responsible for his or her category with group editing being a team effort towards the end. The four categories are Academics, Extracurriculars, Student Life, and Delaware, OH.

  12. Our wiki group will write about Stuyvesant Hall, its history, heritage, hauntings, and thoughts of past residents. We will each contribute a 750 word section and then edit other parts of the wiki. This way we each participate in all creation of the wiki.
